Bridgepoint | The Point | May 2020 | Issue 37
Tales of our times
At a time when the world struggles to make sense of Covid-19, the ability to tell a compelling narrative has never been more relevant and important. Today, storytellers, be they politicians or business leaders, have an opportunity to create a lasting connection with their electorate or customer base. In this edition of The Point, we explore how effective brands are forging emotional ties with their customers (see Tell me a story).
Is it perhaps a sign of the times or something deeper that many consumers are rejecting mass- produced and generic goods in favour of products positioned as simplified, back to basics and of better quality? Find out how and why the appeal of finely made goods that combine the best personal craftsmanship and cutting-edge tools are resonating in today’s market (see Crafting a connection).
At the same time, many consumers are slightly mistrustful of companies that stress their green credentials. In Hidden Virtues, we look into why this is so, how businesses are responding and whether attitudes are changing.
We profile one of our portfolio company CEOs, too – and hear his story. Jean-Luc Robert heads Kyriba, a company whose skills are very much of the moment: liquidity management. In Making a mark, Robert explains how he is building a global company that helps businesses focus on how to transform liquidity into cash.
The Ins & outs section of this edition also highlights investments made by Bridgepoint over the past six months. These include PharmaZell, a German global leader in the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients that are used by drug companies around the world; Oris Dental, a leading Norwegian dental care provider; Reassured, one of the UK’s biggest life insurance brokers; and Cyrus, a leading financial advisory and asset management business in France.
As always, we hope you find The Point an interesting read and welcome your feedback via
Enjoy this edition n
William Jackson
is managing partner
of Bridgepoint

May 2020
Issue 37
Published by
Joanne Hart
Bagshawe Associates
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Symbols and logotypes reproduced in the ’Tell me a story’ article are registered trademarks of Tesla,
EE, Louis Vuitton, Lexus, McDonald’s, eBay, Adobe, Skype, The New York Times, Omega, Ray-Ban and
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The views expressed in The Point are not necessarily those of Bridgepoint